Our responses to Matt Damico’s CBMW review of It’s Good To Be A Man
At the Council for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, Pastor Matt Damico reviews our book:
Review of Michael Foster & Dominic Bnonn Tennant: “It’s Good to Be a Man”
Matt is generally positive about the book, but he has two strong criticisms:
That we are sloppy with our language — leading to generalizations so broad as to border on being false;
That we are wrong to see the division between creator and creation reflected in the division between male and female — and that this is actually theologically dangerous because of the (supposed) ontological ramifications for men and women.
Michael and I have both written in response to Matt’s critiques; Michael more ad item 1, and myself more ad item 2:
If you find these responses helpful, please do share them.
Talk again soon,