About Discipleship & Dominion

This project grew out of It’s Good To Be A Man — a ministry founded by Michael Foster and Bnonn Tennant (that’s me). It included a blog, a newsletter, a Facebook page, and eventually culminated in a book.

After the book was completed, Michael and I were called into new ministries and projects. Although we see IGTBAM as essentially “completed,” we didn’t want to leave our readers hanging — especially since there is plenty more work to do on the general topic of godly dominion.

I therefore took over this Substack, to gather up the previous IGTBAM content, and continue to publish thoughts on how Christians (and especially Christian men) can grow in our work of imaging God, and impressing his heavenly patterns into the earth (Mt 6:10).

Discipleship & Dominion is a monthly publication focused on mastery of the world by mastery of ourselves. He who is faithful over a little can be faithful over much. We must have a command of the issues, and then take command over them.

Issues vary in topic and content, but are generally focused around rightly living in an increasingly perverse and destructive world. Sometimes they are exclusively my own thoughts; sometimes I draw in material from Michael as well; however, unless otherwise specified, you should assume that all views are my own.

Bnonn Tennant

I am an ex-South African Kiwi, with a background in writing, design, apologetics and theology. I work freelance as a copywriter and web designer, and am a bivocation co-pastor at Redwood Reformation Church.

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Learning to be sons of the Most High in order to extend His rule into the world. A ministry for men, from the authors of It's Good To Be A Man.


On earth as it is in heaven—working to embody Christ’s reign by finding the spiritual patterns expressed in physical things. Author of The Spine of Scripture, co-author of It’s Good To Be A Man. In the habit of goring with a sharp two-edged sword.
Michael is a pastor, author, and businessman. Emily is a retired RN and "household executive" (aka housewife). They live with their seven children on a small farm in Batavia, OH.