Become a member

Get access to our private Discord server devoted to the mission of rebuilding a godly patriarchy

Discipleship & Dominion is about extending God’s house and father-rule, by helping men to establish their own houses in strength, workmanship and wisdom.

Simply put, we’re building a community of men who are building God’s kingdom in the world. If you believe in this mission, join us. Any committed Christian man can participate. We share more back with paid members, because your support enables us to devote more time to ministry. “He who waters will himself be watered.” (Proverbs 11:25)

All members get access to our private Discord server—a place to fellowship with like-minded men, hash out issues related to masculinity, and receive informed advice.

Discord is not a replacement for your local congregation. The necessity of the saints physically assembling every week is a staple of historic Christian orthodoxy. However, we do recognize that in the times and seasons of Western men’s lives, many need a supplement to their local churches. Our members server is a safe haven if you have had to withdraw from a congregation, or if you simply aren’t receiving solid meat there. It is a place where you can still find fraternity, discipleship, and teaching as you work to re-establish a local community of Christian men who love God’s design for man.

We have 22 topical channels ranging from #sex to #church to #culture to #fraternity. Here you can talk with like-minded men, work through issues you are facing, and establish offline friendships. It is also where we (Bnonn and sometimes Michael) share our more candid thoughts, field-test new ideas, and offer counsel on difficult problems members face.

Note: this is not mentorship. We are not going to coach you, or walk you through getting your life in order. Our time for this is consumed by our obligations to our own congregations.

All members also get access to:

  • Back-issues of our newsletter going back to May 2020.

  • Podcasts going back to March 2019.

  • The satisfaction of supporting the project so it can continue.

Member requirements

By becoming a member, you confirm before God that:

  • You are a man

  • You affirm the Nicene Creed and salvation by faith alone

  • You are joining in good faith and will not share anything from the server without express permission